4. Membrane Processes Layouts

4. Membrane Processes Layouts#

In this set of notes we will use an example ultrafiltration process to introduce material balances in different process configurations. We will consider a Batch, semi-Batch (feed and bleed) and continuous membrane processes to develop general ideas around material balances in membrane units. Every example will be introduced by a slight variant of a common problem statement.

4.1 Batch#

Problem Statement

500 l of fruit juice are concentrated from an initial solid-residue content of 0.05 kg/l to a solid-residue content of 0.2 kg/l through a batch microfiltration process. The total area of the membrane is of 20 \(\mathrm{m^2}\) and the flux of pure water through the membrane is captured by the empirical expression: \(J=BC^{-1} [m/h]\) with \(B=0.1\) where C is the solid residue concentration in kg/l. Compute the process time necessary to reach the target concentration.


Solution trace

The global differential material balance (volume basis) reads:

(32)#\[ \frac{dV}{dt}=-J\,A \]

where \(V\) is the volume in the concentrate loop, \(J\) the permeate flux per unit area and \(A\) the total membrane area. The permeate flux is defined by the expression:

(33)#\[ J=BC^{-1} \]

with \(B=0.1\).

Since the solid residue never leaves the retentate loop, the differential material balance on the solid residue reads:

(34)#\[ \frac{dm}{dt}=0 \]

Which means that the total mass of solid residue is constant and equal to its initial mass:

(35)#\[ m=m_0=V_0C_0 \]

The global differential material balance can thus be rewritten as:

(36)#\[ \frac{dV}{dt}=-J\,A=-\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }AV \]

In this simple case it can be integrated analytically to compute the volume as a function of time:

(37)#\[ \int_{V_0}^{V^{\prime}}\frac{dV}{V}=\int_0^{t^{\prime}}-\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }Adt \]
(38)#\[ \int_{V_0}^{V^{\prime}}\frac{dV}{V}=\left[\ln{V}\right]^{V^{\prime}}_{V_0}=\ln\left(\frac{V^\prime}{V_0}\right) \]
(39)#\[ \int_0^{t^{\prime}}-\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }Adt=-\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }At^\prime \]

Putting together both sides of the equation and substituting \(V^\prime\) with \(V\) for the sake of simplicity in the notation we get:

(40)#\[ V(t)=V_0e^{-\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }At} \]

which describes the time dependence of the volume in the batch membrane separator.

The concentration can thus be calculated as:

(41)#\[ C(t)=\frac{m}{V(t)}=\frac{C_0V_0}{V_0}e^{\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }At}={C_0}e^{\frac{B}{V_0C_0 }At} \]

The process time necessary to obtain a solid residue concentration of 0.2 \([kg/l]\) is of 17.3 \([h]\)

Numerical solution

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# Parameters: 
N = 500 #number of points
time = np.linspace(0, 30, N)

#Every length in m

A=20;  #m^2
C0=0.05*1E3; #kg /l * dm^3/m^3
V0=500*1E-3; #l * m^3/dm^3

C_specific = 0.2*1E3

#Operating Equation
C = C0*np.exp(B*A/V0/C0*time) 
V = V0*np.exp(-B*A/V0/C0*time) 

def equation(proc_time):
    eq1 = C0*np.exp(B*A/V0/C0*proc_time) - C_specific
    return eq1

process_time = fsolve(equation,[1])

axes = figure.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
axes.plot(time,V, marker=' ' , color='b')

plt.title('Suspension Volume', fontsize=18);
axes.set_xlabel('time [h]', fontsize=14);
axes.set_ylabel('V [m$^3$]',fontsize=14);

axes = figure.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
axes.plot(time,C, marker=' ' , color='r')
axes.plot([process_time,process_time],[0, C_specific], marker=' ' , color='lime', markersize=3)
axes.plot([0,process_time],[C_specific, C_specific], marker=' ' , color='lime', markersize=3)

axes.plot([process_time,process_time],[0, C_specific], marker=' ' , color='lime', markersize=3)

axes.plot(process_time,C_specific, marker='o' , color='lime', markersize=10)

plt.title('Solute concentration', fontsize=18);
axes.set_xlabel('time [h]', fontsize=14);
axes.set_ylabel('concentration [kg/m$^3$]',fontsize=14);

print("The process time necessary to obtain a solid residue concentration of", C_specific, "[kg/l] is:", process_time, "[h]") 
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 45
     43 axes.plot(time,C, marker=' ' , color='r')
     44 axes.plot([process_time,process_time],[0, C_specific], marker=' ' , color='lime', markersize=3)
---> 45 axes.plot([0,process_time],[C_specific, C_specific], marker=' ' , color='lime', markersize=3)
     48 axes.plot([process_time,process_time],[0, C_specific], marker=' ' , color='lime', markersize=3)
     51 axes.plot(process_time,C_specific, marker='o' , color='lime', markersize=10)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:1721, in Axes.plot(self, scalex, scaley, data, *args, **kwargs)
   1478 """
   1479 Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers.
   1718 (``'green'``) or hex strings (``'#008000'``).
   1719 """
   1720 kwargs = cbook.normalize_kwargs(kwargs, mlines.Line2D)
-> 1721 lines = [*self._get_lines(self, *args, data=data, **kwargs)]
   1722 for line in lines:
   1723     self.add_line(line)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py:303, in _process_plot_var_args.__call__(self, axes, data, *args, **kwargs)
    301     this += args[0],
    302     args = args[1:]
--> 303 yield from self._plot_args(
    304     axes, this, kwargs, ambiguous_fmt_datakey=ambiguous_fmt_datakey)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py:488, in _process_plot_var_args._plot_args(self, axes, tup, kwargs, return_kwargs, ambiguous_fmt_datakey)
    485         kw[prop_name] = val
    487 if len(xy) == 2:
--> 488     x = _check_1d(xy[0])
    489     y = _check_1d(xy[1])
    490 else:

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook.py:1358, in _check_1d(x)
   1352 # plot requires `shape` and `ndim`.  If passed an
   1353 # object that doesn't provide them, then force to numpy array.
   1354 # Note this will strip unit information.
   1355 if (not hasattr(x, 'shape') or
   1356         not hasattr(x, 'ndim') or
   1357         len(x.shape) < 1):
-> 1358     return np.atleast_1d(x)
   1359 else:
   1360     return x

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/shape_base.py:65, in atleast_1d(*arys)
     63 res = []
     64 for ary in arys:
---> 65     ary = asanyarray(ary)
     66     if ary.ndim == 0:
     67         result = ary.reshape(1)

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part.
_images/c720f85c24c1f5237a407c170f3e24ad1d727b7503806b506afe1289dabebff6.png _images/27e7c3dd89af1a6fbd032cc5a53d408af8553b2813a208253b252736c73f080a.png

4.2 Feed and Bleed#

Feed and Bleed: Problem Statement

500 l of fruit juice are concentrated in 5 h of steady state operation from an initial solid-residue content of 0.05 \(kg/l\) through a feed and bleed process. The total area of the membrane is of 20 \(m^2\) and the flux of pure water through the membrane is captured by the empirical expression: \(J=BC^{-1} [m/h]\) with \(B=0.1\) where C is the solid residue concentration in kg/l. Is the steady state concentration of the retentate compatible with the specifics of 0.2 \(kg/l\)?


Feed and Bleed: Solution trace

Also in this case the global differential material balance and the solid-residue material balance can be written as follows:

(42)#\[ \frac{dV}{dt}=Q_{IN}-J\,A-Q_{OUT}=0 \]
(43)#\[ \frac{dm}{dt}=Q_{IN}C_{IN}-Q_{OUT}C_{OUT}=0 \]

At steady state \({dV}/{dt}=0\) as well as \({dm}/{dt}=0\). The two ODEs become then two algebraic equations that should be solved together to compute the steady state concentration. From the global material balance we get:

(44)#\[ Q_{OUT}=Q_{IN}-J\,A=Q_{IN}-\frac{B}{C_{OUT}}A \]

and then, with some manipulations:

(45)#\[ C_{OUT}=C_{IN}+\frac{AB}{Q_{IN}} \]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# data: 
A=20;  #[m^2]
C0=0.05*1E3; #kg /l * dm^3/m^3
V0=500*1E-3; #l * m^3/dm^3
process_time=5; # [h]


print("The steady state concentration is", Cout, "[kg/m^3]") 
The steady state concentration is 70.0 [kg/m^3]

4.3 Cascade configuration#

Problem Statement

500 l of fruit juice are concentrated in 5 h of steady state operation from an initial solid-residue content of 0.05 kg/l through four membrane separation units characterised by a total membrane area of 20 \(\mathrm{m^2}\) each. The flux of pure water through the membrane is captured by the empirical expression: \(J=BC^{-1} [m/h]\) with \(B=0.1\) where C is the solid residue concentration in kg/l.

Is it more efficient to design a single stage configuration with four units in parallel or a cascade configuration with four units in series?


Cascade: Solution trace

Each stage can be treated like a single unit in which the feed stream corresponds to the retentate stream from the previous unit. We can thus define:

(46)#\[ C_{OUT,i}=C_{IN,i+1} \]
(47)#\[ Q_{OUT,i}=Q_{IN,i+1} \]

where the index \(i\) identifies the stage.

The material balances for each stage at steady state can thus be written as:

(48)#\[ \frac{dV}{dt}=Q_{IN,i}-n_iJ(C_{IN,i+1})\,A-Q_{IN,i+1}=0 \]
(49)#\[ \frac{dm}{dt}=Q_{IN,i}C_{IN}-Q_{IN,i+1}C_{IN,i+1}=0 \]

where \(n_i\) is the number of modules used in stage \(i\).

For each stage we can thus compute the steady state concentration and concentrate volumetric flow by solving sequentially the following equations:

(50)#\[ C_{IN,i+1}=C_{IN,i}+n_i\frac{AB}{Q_{IN,i}} \]
(51)#\[ Q_{IN,i+1}=\frac{C_{IN,i}{Q_{IN,i}}}{C_{IN,i+1}} \]

with \(i=1...N\) with \(N\) is the total number of stages.

Numerical Solution

The solution of a cascade composed of any number of stages, each formed by an arbitrary number of modules in parallel can be tackled sequentially through a simple cycle similar to the following, let’s for example consider a system that reflects the sketch above i.e. with 4 stages implementing 4, 3, 2, and 1 modules each:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# data: 
C0=0.05*1E3; #kg /l * dm^3/m^3
V0=500*1E-3; #l * m^3/dm^3
process_time=5; # [h]

# The number of elements of this array corresponds to the number of stages. 
# The value in each element is the number of modules per stage. 

FIN=np.append(V0/process_time, np.zeros(np.size(n)-1));

# Input to the intermediate stages
for i in range(1,np.size(n)): 

# Output concentration

print("The steady state concentration is", Cout, "[kg/m^3]") 
The steady state concentration is 720.7199999999999 [kg/m^3]

In order to answer the problem request one should solve the system for two different configurations. In the first, representing a single-stage configuration with four membrane units in parallel, the number of stages should be set to \(N=1\) and the number of units in the first stage \(n_1\) to 4.

# The number of elements of this array corresponds to the number of stages. 
# The value in each element is the number of modules per stage. 

FIN=np.append(V0/process_time, np.zeros(np.size(n)-1));

# Input to the intermediate stages
for i in range(1,np.size(n)): 

# Output concentration

print("The steady state concentration is", Cout, "[kg/m^3]") 
The steady state concentration is 130.0 [kg/m^3]

In the second the number of stages should be set to \(N=4\), each of the stages being assembled as a single unit (\(n_i=1\) for \(i=[1, 4]\)).

# The number of elements of this array corresponds to the number of stages. 
# The value in each element is the number of modules per stage. 
n=np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]);

FIN=np.append(V0/process_time, np.zeros(np.size(n)-1));

# Input to the intermediate stages
for i in range(1,np.size(n)): 

# Output concentration

print("The steady state concentration is", Cout, "[kg/m^3]") 
The steady state concentration is 192.07999999999998 [kg/m^3]

The cascade configuration allows for a more efficient process since it allows to obtain a larger concentration with the same number of modules.